W2 is posting full pay, but I suffered a pay cut due to COVID – is that not true?

Payroll Discussion about the W2 shows full salary, but I was subject to salary reduction due to COVID – is this wrong? and various important topics, studies, strategies, and general notes are discussed here.

W2 is posting full pay, but I suffered a pay cut due to COVID – is that not true? is a collection of information, discussion comments from a Reddit source.

W2 shows full salary, but I was subject to salary reduction due to COVID – is this wrong?

My W2 displays my full salary in the gross salary box. But when the business started losing customers due to COVID, I suffered a 6% pay cut … shouldn’t my W2 reflect the pay cut I received during the 3 / 4 of the year?

Also note, I am in Chicago. New York-based employer. Help me with how do i log into my estub

This thread was originally published on 2021-02-09 13:20:50.

Employees, Customers, and any companies can make use of W2 shows full salary, but I was subject to salary reduction due to COVID – is this wrong? study which has a detailed view of the W2 is posting full pay, but I suffered a pay cut due to COVID – is that not true? with payroll procedures, process, and application.

4 thoughts on “W2 is posting full pay, but I suffered a pay cut due to COVID – is that not true?”

  1. The W-2 should always be funds paid. If your employer added money that you did not earn your earnings are overstated. The downside is that you are responsible for taxes on wages you did not get. You should reach out to your employer to get a corrected form.

  2. What does the YTD payment on your last paycheck of the year show? W2 should pretty much match that unless you got additional income from the company such as bonuses.

  3. gross pay is not equal to your annual salary. It is made up of all remuneration you have received within the calendar year. Look at your final pay statement from 2020 with year-to-date amounts and compare it against your W-2. That will pretty much answer most questions on the W-2.


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